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President Obama’s Future Plans

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November 30, 2012 by Jimmy Polper

The United States of America has just culminated its election on November 6, 2012, with President Barack Obama reclaiming the presidency seat for another four years. From the start of his campaign, there have been news and events that created buzz about him, especially the so-called Obama phone, but all of them have eventually died down. With his second term, he is intent on securing a fresh economic commitment by creating more jobs and establishes an added security for middle-class citizens. His future agenda is divided primarily to seven parts, focusing on taxes and tax deductions, education and training, manufacturing plant developments, healthcare enhancement, and energy resources improvement among others. Believing that the middle class citizens are the backbone of the growing economy, the immediate plans will harness their capability to address economic augmentation by providing what they need to perform such functions.

Among the most anticipated plans of the President is his determination to create a million jobs by the end of 2016, as his policies have strengthened the manufacturing businesses, enabling them to go there and create around half a million jobs in just over two years. He is also keen to grow small businesses doing stuff like west coast flooring, trading items, selling household goods and merchandises and the like, as in most cases, they are the ones generating jobs in the country. By reducing the taxes, they are able to maximize their resources by expanding their business. Another important aspect that he is most inclined to deal with is establishing quality education. In order to provide the best service for a certain job, a proper education must be in place by hiring more school teachers particularly in science and math subjects. Quality education and the right amount of training in different craft mean that citizens can pretty much create their way of living, like making coconut oil for the face.

The President has also stressed out the country’s high dependency rate on imported oil, and has envisioned cutting half of the foreign oil importation by year 2020. Instead of buying from other countries, he is strongly encouraging the development of domestic energy creation that will in turn generate 600,000 manpower services. As far as health care is concerned, a landmark law was passed to increase access to economical insurance systems so as to do away with unexpected expenses in relation to health issues, and for children to be covered by their parents’ insurance’s article properties until they reach the age of 26. Lastly, the president has put up plans to maintain guaranteed benefits upon the citizen’s retirement from their work cubicles.

The plans of the President for the next four years have a sole intention: to continue to augment the growth of the US economy by growing the benefits allocated to the citizens firsthand. This way, quality of life will be elevated, leading to a much stronger output over the subsequent years. In general, President Obama’s ideals will indeed make the country a lot better in all aspects if the above will be carried out accordingly.

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